Transform your yard, gardens, and outdoor living areas

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Blooming trees and shrubs, longer days, and gardens coming to life are big motivators to get us thinking about our yards. Seasoned gardeners know exactly what needs to be done in the spring but if you’re a newcomer, pick a project that’s doable. Start small to keep from feeling overwhelmed. 

Plant a perennial border or fill pots with your favorite annuals. Creating beauty on your own property can be hugely rewarding. An evening spent with friends on the deck, surrounded by gorgeous pots brimming with color, is one of summer’s greatest pleasures.

Adding more plants to an existing bed or buying pots for your patio is relatively inexpensive. Other projects, like building a new deck or adding an outdoor kitchen, can be pricey. If you’re thinking about listing your home this summer or fall, a beautiful yard with colorful gardens and an attractive deck or patio is a key selling feature. Feeling inspired?

These 10 tips are a great place to start. 

1. Plant a vegetable garden, or create a “kitchen garden” with pots of your favorite herbs.

2. Create a perennial garden or border.

3. Build a patio or deck, or enlarge the one you have.

4. Pick a quiet spot in your backyard, add a bench and create a sanctuary. Build a slate patio. Add planted pots, shrubs, and wind chimes for a peaceful ambience. 

5. Add a pergola to an existing deck for partial shade.

6. Hang Edison bulb string lights for a warm evening glow.

7. Create an outdoor kitchen by adding a grill, sink, or mini-fridge.

8. Install a gas-powered fire table or fire pit.

9. Cover a bare wall with a vertical planter, outdoor art piece, or a leaning trellis.

10. Plant a privacy hedge rather than putting up a fence.

Need help finding a contractor for a larger project? Give us a call